
Search "user:Strikes_Softly"

29 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Puzzles by game opening#14

Excellent trainingstool! Love it!

General Chess Discussion - Life and Chess!#3

@MrPushwood, playing b3 and g3 you have the Twin Peaks opening ;-)

Lichess Feedback - Having to play a larger percentage of games as black.#3

I also guess it is a bit of coincidence, but read Black is OK forever by Adorjan... I guess you were pretty lucky with black then

General Chess Discussion - who is pro in lichess#7

First of all go trough the lessons here, and study some beginner or classic chessbooks. Also study some strong players games, find somebody who can be your "hero" and learn from him or her. It will ge…

General Chess Discussion - FIDE World Rapid Chess Championship - Recap#20

Maybe Carlsen has to say I'll only play for the WCC against Abdusattarov or Firouzja?! ... anyway interesting chess is secured for the coming years!

General Chess Discussion - Can you loose the LM title??#21

@Arckai said in #20: > Why is everyone obsessed with the LM title nowadays It has something mysterious about it!

General Chess Discussion - LM stronger than CM?#34

@CountNiwatori said in #32: > It's like comparing tigers with lions. They have different habitats. > Best way to compare a CM to LM is to compare their FIDE ratings (assuming the LM has one). Great wa…

General Chess Discussion - LM stronger than CM?#31

As a conclusion we can see LM's are online specialists excelling in speed and online skill or variants. In that way they are worthy masters.

General Chess Discussion - LM stronger than CM?#16

@Sarg0n I didn't look at the blitz, I was in awe with the bullet rating :-D

General Chess Discussion - LM stronger than CM?#14

@Kratos_chesss I didn't know but a very impressive list of online talents as I look at it now :-) @giraffepoacher looks indeed even GM strength!
