
Can you loose the LM title??

@Arckai said in #20:
> Why is everyone obsessed with the LM title nowadays

It has something mysterious about it!
@ChocoRosco said in #1:
> There are some LM player that have been disconnected by 1 year. So that makes me think that this titles are impossible to be removed. Maybe the title disappears when you missbehave with other people, but it still strange.
> Do you know something about this???
> Thanks for contributions.
i have a question for you can u loose a GM,IM,FM title?
@VelociraptorRex said in #19:
> In the case of Igor Rausis, i. e. in the before-computers era, it was still possible to cheat, but in a different way. You could “buy” a games :)
Of course, but in Rausis' case his GM title was removed without it had been found he obtained it illegally. So, yes, it is possible to lose a legally obtained title, but this requires some severe misbehaviour. Inactivity on chess sites usually does not count as such.
@KenulL_76 said:
@KenulL_76 also said:
>Lichess awards LM titles to noble and respectable people in the lichess society. So they will not misbehave and ***lichess stopped giving it out***
May I ask again: where is the source, stating that Lichess "stopped giving it out"?

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