
Give me the best pickup line you got.

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@ChatGPTanswersDoubt said in #35:
> Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears.
> If beauty were time, you'd be an eternity.
> Is your name Google? Because you've got everything I've been searching for.
> Are you a Wi-Fi signal? Because I'm feeling a connection.
> Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.
Bro got the AI rizz
you know whats in the menu?
me, n ,u
Did someone just steal all the stars and put them inside ur eyes?
do u have sunburn or are u always hot like this?
did u just come out of an oven? cos u are too hot to handle
lets commit the perfect crime, u steal my heart and i'll steal your heart
I seems to have lost my phone numberr, wanna give me yours?
I made a kiss proof lipstick, wanna help me test it?
@Letpchess said in #26:
> Of course no one takes these pick-up lines seriously... But they can be funny if delivered off the cuff... I hope you are not talking about me personally... never been a "street girl" as you describe it.... All I was saying is a guy with a sense of humor can start off a conversation easier than others sometimes.
> Anyway, I was just answering the question with something cheesy I think I heard in a movie somewhere... Actually, no... Just looked it up... heard it off the show Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire in the 90s....hahaha... That makes sense... used to watch that as a teen...
> And... absolutely, please don't just walk up to a random person and spout off a cheesy pickup line... I can't be held responsible for that! hahaha.... It won't go well. :-D
Ohhhh no! Definitely not personal. Just sharing my opinion. If I was gonna walk up to you or any girl I would open with a joke, simply because it would cool my nerves
@CDRED said in #45:
> Ohhhh no! Definitely not personal. Just sharing my opinion. If I was gonna walk up to you or any girl I would open with a joke, simply because it would cool my nerves

yep, yep... that works for both... carry on... ;-)
Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car (stolen from Billy Ocean)

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