
Give me the best pickup line you got.

No pen, no paper but you still draw my attention.

Jesus can turn water into wine, I can turn you into mine.
@Letpchess said in #2:
> That's actually cute...
> an old one I heard a loooong time ago...
> Are you tired? Because you've been running through my mind all day!
> Sorry, I have nothing fresh... I think men stopped using cheesy pick-up lines a long time ago and they just go in for a casual convo... but honestly, if a guy thinks of something ORIGINAL that he thought of IN THE MOMENT, I still find it charming.
> Somehow I feel like this forum is "research" for the real world for you...
> so GOOD LUCK!! :-)
I think it's a myth. I can't imagine a girl actually falling for BS like that. Like, maybe some "street" girl, ya know, a one night stand kinda thing.
I can't imagine walking up to a girl and actually saying some cheesy pickup line.
@CDRED said in #25:
> I think it's a myth. I can't imagine a girl actually falling for BS like that. Like, maybe some "street" girl, ya know, a one night stand kinda thing.
> I can't imagine walking up to a girl and actually saying some cheesy pickup line.

Of course no one takes these pick-up lines seriously... But they can be funny if delivered off the cuff... I hope you are not talking about me personally... never been a "street girl" as you describe it.... All I was saying is a guy with a sense of humor can start off a conversation easier than others sometimes.

Anyway, I was just answering the question with something cheesy I think I heard in a movie somewhere... Actually, no... Just looked it up... heard it off the show Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire in the 90s....hahaha... That makes sense... used to watch that as a teen...

And... absolutely, please don't just walk up to a random person and spout off a cheesy pickup line... I can't be held responsible for that! hahaha.... It won't go well. :-D
Most people that you meet and find attractive will not be for you, no matter who you are.

Somebody is right for you. You'll recognize, rather quickly, when somebody is right for you. And they will recognize it, too.

So if you approach somebody, and it doesn't fit? It's nothing to be too concerned about. It doesn't mean you are flawed. It means you have more living to do.

You only need to fit right once. So don't worry too much about pick up lines. You won't need one, when the right one crosses your path.

My high school girl friend was fabulous. I appreciate her to this day. When I lost her, I was heart-broken. But I should have had more faith in life.

The right one did not appear until I had done much more living. But she did appear. Thank goodness I was still single when she did.

Have faith in yourself. It's not necessary to spout clever lines. It's only necessary to be who you truly are.

Not that clever lines are a bad thing, of course.

But if you're only looking for a good time, well, even the awkward, unproductive moments turn out to be a good time, in retrospect, as we age.

Something fundamental, like: wanna dance? works well enough to make a new friend or, if it fails, to avoid wasting your time. If you're not trying to make a new friend, you're better off studying.
@Noflaps said in #29:
> done much more living. But she did appear. Thank goodness I was still single
Ummm dont get anything.. tbh

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