
What is the value of the King's Gambit ?

@MorningCoffee fully agree with #6 and #10.

@Uxe, if you play the Kings Gambit, always remember its main positional idea: fight for the black squares, especiall e5.

You will have to work a bit on the theory part but if you do, you will experience amazingly simple wins against patzers who play passive setups.
Viktor Korchnoi was an advocate of KG. He came close to becoming world champion and was one of those players who continued to play at top level to a very advanced age.
Remember, Fischer wrote his 'bust to the KG' article after he lost to Spassky (however, he had bad luck in that game).
Also, i wouldnt say that Korchnoi was an advocate of Kings Gambit, he was more like an advocate of chess and everything. He once said: I play seventy opening systems. Guess that is normal when someone has played chess such a long time ...

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