
Regium: Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence

I'm sad to see this is working even when the project had the proofs and disaproval of the entire online chess community. I wonder what's going on in the heads of the contributors. Estimated delivery is November 2020.

If you're getting 50% discount you should be more than 50% sure that it is a legitimate company so you'll receive your product. In other words, you should think it is more probable that it is real than it is not. They expect to fool some 60 people and get 50k.This is how casinos get your money.

Chances are: you lose $600 or you win $600 (you don't receive the product you paid for, or you pay $600 dollars less for something you could resell earning $600). In casinos you get better chances.

This is shameful and sorrowful.
Kickstarter only becomes active when a police report is received or the FBI becomes aware of this massive fraud. The Kickstarter account runs in Tampa Florida USA.
Thanks @mattbro. I’d like to take credit but sadly it’s not me commenting on Kickstarter, although I did report them listing the main suspicions raised in the and lichess articles (and linking to them), plus linking to the lichess, and reddit forums.
Lol, this is hilarious. Angel spam posting his super long comment :D

Still new pledges incoming, though. How rich are these people that they can just drop 700$ without investigating the project for 3 minutes?
send a tweet to @kickstarter asking them to look into the project and the comment spamming by the creator to hide other comments
What's going on in heads of contributors? I can answer.

If you don't follow recent news, you have no way to know that it's a scam. Videos do look pretty legit. Also that name already was around for some time, so you pledge.

And it's not about paying them to get the product cheaper. People paying not because they want to "get a good deal", but rather to support the project. To give project money so that they can finish it.
(I mean that's how it's done for "healthy" kickstarter projects, not the abusive one)
this is hilarious. there are 83 comments on the kickstarter page now. that's one way to get attention to your project by the administrators of kickstarter. hopefully they cancel it soon.

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