
Pattern recognition / Typical patterns in tactics

A lot of tactical puzzles can be solved by improving your pattern recognition. I want to show some patterns here which occur very often in Lichess puzzles.
The 12 most frequent patterns i've seen so far (not exhaustive, i'll throw more if they come to mind) :

1. giving chess move (usually queen) to gain an undefended piece ; generally near beginning position.

2. threatening mat move (usually queen) to gain an undefended piece ; generally in midgame position.

3. trapping a piece (usually bishop or knight with pawns) ; various game state position

4. complex set of trades winning if done in a specific order ; various game state position

5. defender deflection (e.g. famous Bobby Fischer's b3 bishop trap) ; generally in midgame position.

6. forking pieces (mainly with knight or pawn but also other less often) ; various game state position

7. fastest pawn promoter ; systematically in near endgame position.

8. breaking opponent's attack with a gain ; generally in midgame position.

9. forcing opponent's sacrifice (usually to avoid mat) ; generally in midgame position.

10. adding one critical piece (usually rook) in a balance of power ; often in mid/end game position.

11. exploit of pin whether to gain the pinned piece or to obtain sacrifice ; various game state position

12. exploit of skewer whether to gain the pinned piece or to obtain sacrifice ; various game state position

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