
Help with Puzzles : Questions and Answers

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Hello @yves_paris, here is the answer to your question regarding the puzzle 61548.

1. Start position puzzle 61548:
Analysis :
- The material for both sides is totally equal
- Black has a 2 weaknesses !
+ The bishop on b4 is semi-loose (attacked and defended by the same amount of attackers and defenders). Those semi-loose pieces are very often targets in tactics.
+ The bishop on b4 is only defended by the queen on b6. This queen doesn't have a lot of squares to go to.
- Idea for white: Try to distract(deflect) the queen form defending the bishop on b4. This is possible by playing Bc7 attacking the black queen
Playing Bc7 seems to be the only candidate move in this position. Let's play it and see what happens.

2. Position after white played Bc7 attacking the black queen on b6.
Now the black queen is almost trapped. The only safe square is e6.

3. Now black must look for the best candidate move.
Canditate move 1 : Qe6 (I guess that most humans would play this move)
If black plays this move, then white simply takes on b4 and is one full piece (3 points) up.

Canditate move 2 : Bxd2 . This move sacrifices the black queen on b6.
I was surprised when I saw this move. But it is obviously better, even if we don't look at a computer anaysis.
In the line : 1. Bc7 Bxd2 2. Bxb6 Bxc1 3. Bxa7, black gets a piece (3 points) and a rook (5 points) for his queen (9 points) and a pawn (1 point). In total this means that white wins only 2 points and not 3 points as after Qe6.

I made a short computer analysis for both candidate moves.

Any more questions ?

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