
Search "user:szhzs"

22 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Breaking The Silence Online#387

> I guess you meant this difference is biological/innate and not social/learned. There is no evidence to support that claim. Especially not in the ratio in chess. there is plenty of research on gender…

Community Blog Discussions - Breaking The Silence Online#385

> I still find it a bit odd in 2023 that there is such a large gender-linked participation gap in a sport. women. and. men. are. not. the. same. men are on average more interested in certain things (i…

Lichess Feedback - Move sound lag#30

still broken. it's absolute unacceptable that this has not been fixed yet.

Community Blog Discussions - 3+0 vs 3+2 the difference?#19

are the graphs for move types (normal/dubious/bunders) incorrectly labeled? it actually shows that with more time spent per move, the proportion of mistakes is higher...

Lichess Feedback - cannot load lichess when connected to (some) VPN servers#1

i use proton VPN. when connected to some servers, i cannot load lichess at all. other sites work fine. this happens across various countries. here are some IP addresses that are broken: 94…

Lichess Feedback - unable to connect using certain proton VNP servers#4

another one:

Lichess Feedback - unable to connect using certain proton VNP servers#3

@Solal35 thanks for the help, this is the IP address:

Lichess Feedback - unable to connect using certain proton VNP servers#1

hi, as of a few days ago, i'm unable to use lichess when connected to certain VPN servers. AFAICT all other sites are working fine nad the issue is isolated to lichess. i'm using proton VPN. so far i'…

General Chess Discussion - Life moves pretty fast#37

would be funny if time remaining to the tournament kept increasing instead of decreasing

Lichess Feedback - Why is there no chat anymore?#16

i hope you find your cat just like you were able to find the chat button
