
How good am I?

@NotesFromTheMadhouse said in #10:
> I think the question itself is not well-grounded. The answer to your question depends on multiple variables such as your age, playing experience, cognitive abilities, psychological, social and economical factors etc. If you add to one or extract from another, you might get a completely different equation.
> If the conditions are right and things go well, you could become a professional chess player. Saying that 1,800 is exceptional or not has no value if certain conditions are not defined.
> All the same, I do hope you shall pursue your dreams. First of all, have faith on yourself.
> I wish you all the best of luck!
i hope those werent notes from a madhouse
The only category you have a rating in is blitz so I will base it off that -- Since 20% of chess players have a higher blitz rating than you in the past week, and >100k people play blitz, that is at least 20,000 people who could consistently smoke you in a 5 minute game. Of course online blitz doesn't directly translate to classical, but here's the thing about pro chess players. All the pro players are easily in the top 1% of players. All of the hard work is for differentiating between only the top 1% -- i.e. "No I'm top 0.1%, nooo I'm top 0.05%", and so on. If you are barely at the top 20% of players, it's not looking good for a competitive future, because you will always have thousands of people willing to step in and destroy you in your own game. That is not a good standing point to construct an ego, because as a competitor, you likely want to Win, and you likely want to dominate the competition -- but at the 20% level and honestly even the 1% level, you won't be able to consistently do either of those against other professional opponents. This applies to more than just chess. Of course, there is a possibility, though I'm not sure how likely, that you are a top 0.01% classical player, but only a top 20% blitz lichess. Personally I doubt that is the case, but if you feel strongly that is your situation, then you could definitely push to try to play competitive chess.
>I think the question itself is not well-grounded. The answer to your question depends on multiple variables such as your age, playing experience, cognitive abilities, psychological, social and economical factors etc. If you add to one or extract from another, you might get a completely different equation.
>If the conditions are right and things go well, you could become a professional chess player. Saying that 1,800 is exceptional or not has no value if certain conditions are not defined.
>All the same, I do hope you shall pursue your dreams. First of all, have faith on yourself.
>I wish you all the best of luck!
i hope those werent notes from a madhouse
@NotesFromTheMadhouse said in #10:
> I think the question itself is not well-grounded. The answer to your question depends on multiple variables such as your age, playing experience, cognitive abilities, psychological, social and economical factors etc. If you add to one or extract from another, you might get a completely different equation.
> If the conditions are right and things go well, you could become a professional chess player. Saying that 1,800 is exceptional or not has no value if certain conditions are not defined.
> All the same, I do hope you shall pursue your dreams. First of all, have faith on yourself.
> I wish you all the best of luck!

All your questions have already been answered by the OP, ALL! - just search the forum.
@ALWynJones said in #1:
> some say i am exceptional others say i am average. I want to become a professional chess player but i don't think i am good enough.

Your Rating does this work for you so trust your rating on your strength most probably the guy who said you're exceptional is lower rated than you and the guy who said you're average is probably the same elo as you or most probably the same rating so it comes down to just that "your rating"
@ALWynJones said in #1:
> some say i am exceptional others say i am average. I want to become a professional chess player but i dont think i am good enough.

Hard work and talent can bring you far, and if you are still young then that is likely an advantage (But remember that
everyone can hit a ceiling where improvement is no longer possible).

Here is a quote from former world champion Botvinnik :

Botvinnik had this to say about a young Karpov: "The boy doesn't have a clue about chess, and there's no future at all for him in this profession."

Then Karpov proceeded, worked hard, and became world champion chess, and won many tournaments.
In other words : Follow your intuition and dreams, and if the feeling is real and strong and you work hard and efficient, you may succeed, regardless of what others say.
@ALWynJones said in #15:
> i am close to giving up on my dream

Your dream of becoming a professional chess player? Very few players can make a living playing chess. Why not just do another job, earn more money, and have fun being a very good chess player? If what you want is to be a Master, then you need a lot of time to gain experience, and more time to play enough tournaments - in which case it would be useful to be wealthy first, or young and with wealthy parents.
I dont want to her how difficult it is to be a pro chess player....

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