
HTTPS Lichess Login?

Is it possible to make it HTTPS or???
afraid someone will steal your rating?
Probably just wants to play from his workplace or something.

Not that the HTTPS protocol really makes anything more secure, to think so is misleading. This site has no ads anyway, so no third parties will be listening in.
https and wss are planned and should land within 2 months.
Yeah, because sometimes I play in a public area (with free internet), and you know... there are always some idiot teenagers playing around with Wireshark and stuff...

Son's friend has it. I don't see why, he's no expert at network analysis. Anyhow, thanks for your reply thibault.
What country are you in? ^ wireshark? lol if someone tried usinig that in Canada you would be fucked by police.
Canada... not if it were over a private network and both parties consented...

Now my kid has it. I'll ask him to uninstall it or he may find that the internet simply doesn't work for his computer ;)

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