
Ask the team - FAQ at the 2023 Lichess meetup

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@YZ3 said in #14:
> How about a tourney #"climateChangeFraudRacketeering made .. ....(former vice president of the United States of America) a multi billionaire"?
> Please, please.
Wait, who are you talking about? Better not be Al Gore, otherwise... *grabs nuke*
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The opponent I was playing timed out. I had over two minutes left. The game was called a draw and my king wasn’t frozen. Who can I message to straighten this out?
Would it ever be possible to have the Opening Explorer be able to fully load in a Wikibooks article and have something we can scroll on the left hand side and not cut off articles abruptly? Having to switch back and forth between tabs almost defeats the point :\
@loepare Can you say to ornicar (@thibault) to unmute me on GitHub ( and I can post an issue in appropriate place?

But now I post it here. Can you make in sound theme the setting (near upper border) to enable auto play for sounds (default is OFF, but if it’s ON it uses another algorithms for playing sounds)? Many players (incl. me) play on mobile devices, so they cannot enable auto play in site’s settings. Please) /\

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