
Sick to death of being paired with 1500?

If aborting is bad (giving me 15 thumbs down) why have the abort at all?
Why not just get rid of it if its so terrible
Abort is available in the event that something comes up in real life right before the game starts. It's not meant to be used to cherry pick opponents.
Welp, I only play with high rated players, beacuse I want to avoid sandbaggers. So I abort the game.
@Mrchess78 First let me say that I like your thread and in general I like you posts so any contribution I'm making is intended to be positive. I'm not making fun of you.

RE: Polgar sisters: Why would you think "my little joke"?????? I complimented you for selected a woman as an example of a great chess player. But in my response I referenced Judit, not Susan. They are sisters and I am a big fan of them both. I agree with you that Susan is awesome and would beat me 100 out of 100 times. I don't understand your angst on this point.

RE: Rated vs Casual: I have 2700 games and over 2200 of them are rated. I am not protecting my rating, it is what it is.

RE: The game I posted: Don't ANY of you have a sense of humor? I mean holy cow the seriousness in this place astounds me sometimes. I was playing that guy and realized that he was either drunk or was perhaps the worst player I've ever faced and either way I decided to have fun with it. It was a casual game, it don't matter. I included it here for levity. Shoot me. I'll remember there's no humor here. Well for the next two minutes while I'm pissed off I will and then it'll be back to my old tactics - don't worry.

Love most of you. Bye.
Don't judge people by their rating guys. You cannot get to know their power in chess from their rating.
I always thought it was pretty cool, if you happen to be at ~1500, to be sitting at the gates of lichess and play all the new guys with their unknown powers:)
But it would be easy to do and good for all simply to broaden the rating range. 15xx? players should be paired with players representatively picked from ratings in a range of (p.e.) 1250-1750. Then the introduction of new players would be be carried out by many more and not by a happy (and sometimes unhappy) few.
@ungewichtet makes a good point but would someone please argue my suggestion that new players start at 700? This wouldn't apply to professionals who are screen by lichess but all normal Bozos like me.

In my opinion, having been in the 1200 range and worked my way up to 1500 I can confirm that the pool in the 1350-1500 range is full of people who don't belong there. Meaning their play is way better than that rating. It's really hard to work out of that range because you play one person who can't play chess and then you play a shark. It's a horrible pool. If everyone started real low, we would rise to our playing ability and the ranges would be "clean".

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