
Creativity in Training

@StratteraCapsules said in #10:
> Anyone know how to set up Leela to play with one node? I can't afford a new book right now but am interested to try this method.
I need this too does anyone know
Kind of interesting to read this. More than 5 years ago I was at Max Euwe center in Amsterdam for a training night with GM Matthew Sadler, and I must say it is a nice and friendly chap, and a creative GM. Back then he told the audience that one time for a tourney in London where he had to play with family and friends watching he decided to not do any specific (e.g. for each participant) preparation, but only play along games of the famous Capablanca. And one thing he learned was that as white Capablanca would play a knight on e5, and keep it there and win the game. Sadler did very well in the tourney, and even against Kramnik where he would normally suffer he played a plus draw !
I've taught a lot of beginners and early intermediates about chess over the years. I used to have them play a game, where we had just a king and eight pawns vs King and eight pawns. A pawn play training exercise. Fun to do too! - :]
@StratteraCapsules said in #10:
> Anyone know how to set up Leela to play with one node? I can't afford a new book right now but am interested to try this method.

Looks like we can do it here in browser:

although with that site I'm having a bit of trouble with controlling the move times while reducing the nodes at the same time.

I tried those lichess bots that another user linked, but they're not accepting challenges. lmk if someone knows of an active 1 node lichess bot.
The Cybernetis pioneers ask: " IF the decisions of social life were transfer to machines?
@pawngrid said in #14:
> Looks like we can do it here in browser:
> although with that site I'm having a bit of trouble with controlling the move times while reducing the nodes at the same time.
> I tried those lichess bots that another user linked, but they're not accepting challenges. lmk if someone knows of an active 1 node lichess bot.

i hope you GIT to a solution soon buddy!
This is all extremely interesting but why is the link to "how to setup leela" a 6 page list of things? Why can't it just be "download > install > play leela > select how many nodes"...?
I litteraly can't handle the length of this "How to"... Like who is this aimed at? Computer geniuses only? wtf :(