
Search "user:butterfli"

55 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Grandmaster Draws Explained#17

@NNWill said in #5: > This is why I play 6.f3 instead of 6.Be3 in the Najdorf Sicilian. When my opponent plays 6...e5 I can transpose with 7.Nb3 Be6 8.Be3. I don't want to have to study 6.Be3 Ng4 7.Bg…

NM butterfli
General Chess Discussion - evry game i play on lichess , it drops pieces on the wrong square, normally rooks or queens#7

This is a common problem with mice. Over the years I've had to replace a few because of it. You can test to see if your mouse is failing in this way here: (click…

NM butterfli
Lichess Feedback - Weird pop message from lichess#7

Hi, This just happened to me, too.

NM butterfli
Lichess Feedback - Proposal for Lichess to Develop a Complexity Metric Feature#11

Thank you for working on this project. I've been wanting something like this for many years. Some additional applications: 1) Cheating detection (players whose accuracy does not drop in complex positi…

NM butterfli
Lichess Feedback - small peaks in rating gauss curve at dividers of 100#7

This phenomenon has been investigated in a research paper: " As with personal bests, players are discontinuously more likely to quit after breakin…

NM butterfli
Lichess Feedback - What happened to ratings calculation?#9

"1. Glickman's paper doesn't mention a floor for RD. Gradually reduce the RD floor to 0." FICS has no RD floor. In its early days with the Glicko system in the mid 90s, very active blitz and bullet pl…

NM butterfli
General Chess Discussion - an opening variation that computers can't understand#81

@Sidonia-ChessEngine In the Kf1 variation, what's your improvement for white on the line I posted earlier in this thread (Posts #48 and 49)? My current belief is that the line is a forced draw. I thin…

NM butterfli
General Chess Discussion - an opening variation that computers can't understand#64

Humans can survive some of the lines because they are forced perpetuals that you can memorize all the way to the end :) Of course, the computer won't play the Traxler normally, though. That said, whit…

NM butterfli
General Chess Discussion - an opening variation that computers can't understand#49

Some lines for 9...Qxd6, for those who don't want to let Stockfish go to depth 45 but do want to see the eval drop like a rock: 10. Nf7 Qe7 11. c3 Bg4 12. Qa4+ Nd7 13. Kxf2 Qh4+ 14. Kf1 Bh5 10. c3 Bg4…

NM butterfli
General Chess Discussion - an opening variation that computers can't understand#48

It's not that SF doesn't "understand" the Nxf7 variation at all, but it does indeed often drastically change its evaluation at fairly high depths in this line, so it's not as easy to analyze as just t…

NM butterfli