
Search "user:andreabossola"

10 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Reconecting and lossing all matches#5

Statistiche Ping per Pacchetti: Trasmessi = 100, Ricevuti = 85, Persi = 15 (15% persi), Tempo approssimativo percorsi andata/ritorno in millisecondi: Min = 32ms, Max = 3560ms, Med = 112…

Lichess Feedback - to the attention of lichess owners#1

THANKS for sending me messages in which you told me that i do sandbagging. Thanks for not allowing me to reply. i played 10.000 games and never sandbagged. I think the problem is your server. In the l…

Lichess Feedback - slow connection#1

I have a very fast connection, but too often, when i play on lichess, connection is very slow, i lose games dueto that. Moreover, when i click "go back to tournament" nothing happens. Messages are not…

Lichess Feedback - players missing in tournaments#1

hi, it would be a great idea in my opinion to cancel players who remain offline from tournaments in which they are registered , in the exact moment the tournament begins. Too often it happens that we …

Lichess Feedback - arena doesn't go on pairing#5

we were on line. 2 on line and 2 paused

Lichess Feedback - arena doesn't go on pairing#3

ok, i understand. It would be fine to have an opportunity to choose an option where we can switch off this, in order to play more times even we same players

Lichess Feedback - arena doesn't go on pairing#1

hi, i play arena tournaments with my friends someteimes, and i have noticed that pairings are very slow. for example 1 hour ago, we were 4 players in the tournament, in which two of them were paused. …

Lichess Feedback - impossible to play tournaments.#6

ok thanks i did not know

Lichess Feedback - impossible to play tournaments.#1

i have 4000 games played and 1969 ELO. why i cannot sign in the "under 2000 rapid"? i use to play every day but this morning i am not allowed

Lichess Feedback - i created a tournament next monday but it is impossible to see it#1

how can i do? i have created a tournament but i cannot find any screen about it
