
Search "user:Vodka-For-All"

25 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Acceptance to join a club.#1

Hello, About half year ago I tried to join a club, but my attempt was declined. Is there any possiblity to try again to get to the club. I have word acceptance from the team leader, but cannot ask to …

General Chess Discussion - stuck at 2100, how to get to 2200?#18

@The_Beserker - I have seen two of your last lost games (played tomorrow). Pay more patience for tactical shots. Choose opening where you feel well and do not leave your king alone, capturing pieces l…

General Chess Discussion - stuck at 2100, how to get to 2200?#5

Don't play like a gambler - play when you want to, when you have fun by doing it. If you lose some rating, do not try to get it back just like that... most offen, tilted, you will lose more and more p…

Lichess Feedback - Information about someone's email adress#1

Hi, is there possiblity to get from lichess staff, email adress of someone I would like to communicate with. Player is not active and I would like to ask him for something by sending email.

General Chess Discussion - How to improve quick in chess#4

Chess requires intelligence, good memory (knowledge) and experience. People get their titles in years, not because of "speedrunning" careers, but because of hard and long work. If you are clever enoug…

General Chess Discussion - Interesting middle game with Stockfish#8

@Ihsan2040 said in #1: > I studied this game with Stockfish. > After move 31th I'm starting to loose points. Please give your ideas. Find weakness. Black's weakest point is pawn on d6. I would conside…

General Chess Discussion - Guess the elo- you may be surprised!#53

Why you post same thing another time? I would say 1000-1100.

General Chess Discussion - Guess the elo, edition 3 (WB 7 Feb)!#2

Definitely low elo. I would bet for ... white 1200, black 1100.

General Chess Discussion - 1st place, pause#7

Yes, but only if you take screenshot of that. Picture with your 1st place will last forever.

General Chess Discussion - Which is better ? : Knight or Bishop ?#28

In closed positions, knights are better. In open positions, bishops are better. It depends on position, but objectively - I would say bishop. The key difference is, bishop can win tempo against knight.
