
Cheating: Trust and Traitors in Chess

Interesting to break it up like this, as a monster with many heads. Another interesting angle to break it up over would be why people cheat. Some do for their stream, including sandbagging beforehand. Some do so because their bruised ego requires fake wins. Another reason is to grief people, some cheaters simply enjoy the pain they cause in their opponent. Others cheat, because they feel there are too many cheaters. (in FPS gaming these are called "rage cheaters", who in a way punish the community by harming it). Another category would be political cheating, where you can see corrupt states manipulating players to cheat in a way to promote their flag and snag wins from geopolitical rival states.

- Streaming scams
- Bruised Egos
- Griefers
- Ragers
- Politically motivated cheating

I think there are probably many more.

[edit:] My point being that these stem from different mindsets and may each require their own approach to mitigate. Also the different groups may cheat in different ways, allowing to discern them.
I hate some cheaters and traitors but sometimes they violates the terms of lichess idk how can they have that.
By the way, Frederik Svane is not an IM but a GM rated 2636 in classical chess. Given that there are fewer rated blitz events, I guess that his blitz rating might follow the upwards trajectory. He played several OTB blitz tournaments in December, performing well there. It is telling that GM Kramnik's "analysis" contains such an obvious error.
@RealDavidNavara, Brother, why are you so eager to defend the cheater... When what he deserves is jail, my comment is not stupid at all, it's stupid to want to ignore the reality of what is happening... Kramnik is the only one who is completely focused on facing the problem, or do you perhaps think that by letting it go or trying to hide it, the cheaters will feel sorry for you... Well, of course not. Precedents must be set, persecuted, demonstrated responsibility and vetoing them is the only solution. And the thing about the chess bot is true, in 2017 it was little known, people left pieces behind, took their time to think, etc... that is, there was a pattern of agreement with reality. In 2018 the boom exploded, Stockfish, Komodo, Friz, etc. then the KB, then came the dictator takers (copy and paste), then the bot, then setero, then chessbot, the time and internet corrupters and don't stop counting. Nowadays nobody leaves anything and everyone plays super fast and the elo doesn't matter, every time the difference between a 2600 and a 1100 disappears little by little. That's why when I play I assume that I'm playing against a machine, because I think wrongly and make mistakes. Of course, not everyone allows themselves to be corrupted, but rest assured that the majority fall; And it's simple, it's because they get tired of losing and losing and then they start to see a pattern, or a ghost and they succumb. They become cheaters because when they lose with a 1100 when they have more than 2000, they detect the cat... and say - oh, they are giving you - and it is not so much for losing or for inflating the ego by carrying a false elo; IT'S BECAUSE NO ONE DOES ANYTHING...
#24 This probably doesn't help anything, but I've taken a break from routinely blogging about statistics and instead attempted to address endemic concerns

I'd really hoped that shogi etc. communities could find solutions, but they seem to be faring no better than chess communities.
Great post. From what I can see the trust we have for each other in the chess community is eroding at a worrying pace. Love to see Kramnik getting called out for his bs. Cheating is bad but unfounded accusations have no place in this community.
They don't like my comment because it is accurate and hits the nail on the head. But that's the truth; PAINFUL. It's like the guy who knows that the woman is cheating on him but insists on denying reality because it's more comfortable. As for the fact that these types of comments harm chess, nothing is more ridiculous and far from reality. That's like saying that you shouldn't denounce what's bad because it's harmful, when what's really harmful is letting it go... And in the end the devil pays poorly to those who serve him well.
@Sharingam said in #24:
> Kramnik is the only one who is completely focused on facing the problem
@Sharingam said in #28:
> They don't like my comment because it is accurate

I symphathize with him and yet, he hasn't presented a coherent explanation either of theoretical statistics or of a perceived problem. When pressed for clarity he continues to confound.
Kranmik may make mistakes in his complaint, that can happen...But that does not mean that this scourge should not be fought. It is about all of us purging chess and not being afraid to report it so that the respective investigation can be carried out. Even so, Kranmik has my support, I am sure that he does so by not leaving us alone against the cheaters, and that the truth sets us free... I hope and I am sure that if Kranmik realizes that he is accusing or denouncing someone unfairly In the end he will recognize it, but he does what has to be done and that is that it must be reported not out of suspicion but with solid arguments and bases. Well, neither Kramnik is perfect, nor are we, and Stockfish, although many think so, is not perfect either, even if it comes close