
I have an idea for Lichess Staff! :)

I was thinking that it maybe good to add like a "challenger list" and then people would just "get in line" so to speak to play a player of choice.

My English is not so good but this would mostly help Streamers with many challengers. Also maybe worthwhile considering having the Streamer set a limit per game so each player would get 3 games then it automatically switches to next challenger. Similar to simuls in away but idea would go through the list of challengers one by one.

It would be an equal chance for Viewers to play Streamer of their choice while at the same time having fluid transitions from game to game.

Hmm and maybe in the future, consider giving the Streamer more control on who can challenge, for example implementing rating limit or forbidding marked members from challenging or even having a games-played requirement.

I hope my English is not so bad. Sorry.


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