
FIDE Arena system for Lichess

I thought NM meant "Not a Master"...the more you learn.
okok you are all thery funny and I totally failed to transfer my intentions.

Some background: 25 / 35 years ago I played some open turnaments in east europe and russia.
What I learned is: a part of their success is the right motivation for young players between 1000 and 2000 Elo. They have e. g. master and master candidate title! And this is a motivation that Europe does not have.

I train kids in chess for 35 years and my kids are playing in lichess and partially in a club. And I can tell you: just reach 1600 sucks. Any better motivation helps. Have you heard about Judo, Sumo or Go rankings?

To summarize:
* I personally am not interested in titles. I want to motivate young players.
* And of course it should be without money. I just wanted to help my beloved lichess

So plesase help me improve the idea.
Okay, now it kinda makes sense. I agree that titles for players with ranking 1500+, 1700+, etc. would definitely motivate young players (or beginners), because almost none of them has chance to achieve real FIDE title (or LM). But on the other hand, after few weeks, do we want lichess with thousands of "titled" players?
Well if we're not charging money I rescind my previous mockery.

I would be ok with Class A, Class B, Class C players like USCF with norms similar to LM. Of course somebody would have to code it and im not volunteering.
I would even volunteer to code it (although not much time with lots of kids...)
But shouldn't we find the best system first?!
Something to consider: being fair to us variant chumps. I'm 1974 in Antichess, and Antichess rating weirdness (look at the player graph -- it's the farthest of all variants from a normal distribution) means I beat people above my rating far more than would be expected with FIDE chess...I currently have a three game streak against the number one player, Townes.

That said...I think this is kinda unnecessary. Ratings are their own reward. :3
Dear andonus,
you describe a very special case where I totally agree. As FIDE, I had only classical chess in mind!

> Ratings are their own reward
This is not true. Especially for young players it's a visbile goal.
And by the way: what would you loose? You could simply ignore our grades...and grant the grades young players.

Funny how people were laughing at this - and yet the requirements for 'achieving' one of these lower titles works the same way as any FIDE title - you get and retain a rating for x amount of time and pay $y as a fee.

Saying it is ridiculous is like saying that a CM title, for instance, is stupid because compared to a GM one has to do sod all to get it.

I'm sure, for example, KC had to dig into his pocket for his title - it's the way FIDE works. No one is laughing at him. Or at Eric Hansen, who surely had to pay up to become a GM.

Correct me if I'm wrong!

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