
Training engine is not using stockfish 8

Often I realize that the moves that the opponent is doing, in a puzzle, are not the best ones, and that makes me difficult to understand the puzzle.

For example:

The white queen moves to D3 in the puzzle, but moves to F1 if I "continue from here" using stockfish 8.

Because of that, it is not so obvious what the best move to to in the puzzle, and often I fail a puzzle for similar reasons.

They transpose into each other, if you look at the lines computer gives, they are basically the same. So one less excuse for you
Stockfish level 8, and Stockfish 8 are two very different things. Stockfish level 8 is a lot dumber than letting Stockfish 8 analyse the position for a few seconds.

Stockfish 8 is what's used to generate the puzzles, and it analyses each and every possible outcome quite deeply, so what Stockfish level 8 says is of much less significance as it only analyses the position for a fraction of a second.

Also, after every possible queen move (f1, f3, d3) the follow up is always playing bxa3 in that puzzle.

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