
not fair to poor untitled players

I thought this would be an interesting subject to discuss.
Probably belongs into feedback section.
I would have really appreciated to hear the opinion of the community about it. I stated my point in #3.
Now it is ridiculous how literally a careless remark from my part turned this discussion into a completely wrong off-topic, gender-specific direction. :<
So here goes another try: what you guys think: is it fair or not for us, titled players to join all tournaments without having fulfilled the requirements of them?
Yours, Funkmaus, Weak FM :-)
The only problem I see there is that players can get paired in tournaments against much stronger opponents (titled in this context) that are highly underrated (maybe even with 1500 rtg)
Though, someone needs to be paired w/ them even if they played some games and made their rating unprovisional.
My conclusion: In my opinion the titled players should be allowed to play in "normal chess" tournaments, but not allowed to play in the variant ones, because they are simply different games, and OTB titles apply only for "normal" chess (maybe 960 could be included as "normal chess variant" too)
Have a good day!
I'd count myself lucky to be randomly paired against a titled player in a tournament. But I'm not expecting to win cash and glory in any lichess or other tournaments (and I know - I have to kick into gear and get rid of the '?' rating to even play in them so my opinion isn't really relevant to most folks - but it was a point I wanted to make anyhow).

OK, here is my question - since you have bravely outed yourself as a male chess-player, for which I salute you, sir.

Do you feel that other male chess-players should identify themselves and band together to further their group rights in the chess world ?

Would you join a male chess-players union ? I certainly would support this.
@Funkmaus , #11:

I think, it's okay that titled players can join all tournaments, because I see it as a second option for joining.

If people complain, they can get a FIDE title themselves and activate this second option. At least for all titles that can be acquired by everyone.

If a certain title can not be acquired by everyone - like in women's FIDE titles or national master titles - it may be a little bit unfair for the players who would fulfill the chess criterias for these titles (Elo rating, norms) but not the other criterias (for example gender, country). It may be also a little bit unfair for players, who fulfill the chess criterias for the titles but cannot afford the registration fee.

But that's the way it is. And remember: Everyone has still the first option for joining these tournaments.

A special case is the title "Lichess master (LM)". I don't know its requirements. Is it open for everyone?

Another special case are tournaments resticted for players below a certain rating (U1500, U1700, U2000). Can a titled player join these tournaments, too?

On the other hand more players on Lichess have the opportunity to play a game with a titled player.
Thanks for responding.
Based on reactions to my first post seems like you guys dont mind us joining tournaments without fullfilling their requirements. :-)

Yea - play smth rated. Tourneys are huge fun!!

Fisher Random is my passion. Your post reminds me of my first titled arena in chess960.
There were several GMs who have never played a single game in that "variant" - at 1500? - they got paired each other, lost, got another GM and dropped their ratings almost below 1000. :-) I was lucky to be 1800 rated and escaped the challenge of being paired with a totally underrated GM. xD
I fully agree with you, dear @MadNutella - chess960 is not a variant.
As said in #3 - I can see the point "not fair" for variants.
I wouldnt even think about joining atomic, racing kings, horde or antichess - I have no clue how to play it!
Titled players who join them at 1500? must have gathered experience elswhere.

No, we cant.
I thought it was obvious since our ratings are 1500? - provisional - but I just tried to join U1700 rapid arena to be sure.
There was no join button available for me.
I guess I would be able to join that arena if I estimate/activate my rapid rating below 1700 - I doubt the restriction "no titled players" in Uxxxx-tourneys exists.
Please forgive me for not addressing your other points...
More opinions welcome. :-)
of course it is fair to untitled players: try and get a title
On principle, I would like each titled tournament to be preceded by a non titled qualifier which qualifies the winner for entry in the titled tournament
I think I've heard that GM even get the first points in real tournaments without playing. is that correct?
@Funkmaus ich glaube mal gehört zu haben, das GM in echten Turnieren sogar die ersten Punkte ohne zu spielen zugespochen bekommen. stimmt das?
@GKB38 , I think we are being fair enough to everyone, After all, titled players have put in many, many hours of deliberate practice to reach the level they are at. Is that not worthy of some recognition other than two or three golden letters?
@michbaum Oh, I dont think so.
Never heard of it - and the open tournaments I played GMs were always paired in the first rounds.
Same rules apply for everyone. No free points for GMs seen so far.
Ich weiß es nicht - nie gehört - aber es gibt wahrscheinlich nichts was es nicht gibt. :-)

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