
Bug: New quote feature, how to un-quote?

I use: Android Phone, Chrome browser.

If I press the "quote button" the post I want to quote is copy/pasted into my message board.
(Nice feature)

But if I change my mind, and decide not to quote/post, and leaving the thread page, the quote is still in the message board next time I appear in that particular thread.

I tried refreshing the page after clearing my message board, yet it keeps reappearing every time I refresh the page.
And it remembers the quote, even if I delete it, exit the thread and re-enter the thread.

I also tried to re-click on the quote button, to see if it cancel out the first quote, but it just doubles the quote in the message board. (Second quote "copy" will disappears after refreshing the page, but not the first one)
Until something better comes along you can delete the copy text Then click Forum etiquette link right below. Then click the back button.
@StingerPuzzles said in #2:
> Until something better comes along you can delete the copy text Then click Forum etiquette link right below. Then click the back button.

Strangely enough, this worked the first time I tested your suggestion, but then it stopped working the second time, and after several of tried on different threads, now it just works sometimes.
it's not just like this for quoting. when you leave anything in your reply in general, then when you leave and return your draft is still there. i think it's lichess's way of saving your draft so that just in case you accidentally leave you dont have to write the whole thing again. could be wrong though.
It's mainly to allow you to switch between pages of a thread when you want to quote something from an earlier page.

However, it should stay empty if you clear it. But it looks like it's bugged a bit. It works if you close the tab though. Should be fixed on the next restart.
This new feature obviates the recently added 'delete' function ...
@boilingFrog said in #6:
> This new feature DOES NOT obviate the recently added 'delete' function ...

... because quotes don't need to be accurate :)
All I mean is that if anybody ever quotes one of your posts, and then later you decide to delete it, only the original post is deleted.

Imho the delete should cascade across the entire thread to completely delete all quotations of the original as well ...

Admittedly, this can easily lead to chaos ...

Maybe 'quote' should be reviewed yet again ...
@boilingFrog That's actually a good point. Hmm, yes cascading effects could lead to a lot of chaos, especially if you quote somebody else's quote!

I'm reminded of Lichess games, actually: they say they can delete your profile, posts, etc. but they can't delete your games. Because your games also belong to your opponent, and they're not private data. What if our forum posts are also public?

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