
Is it possible to download a chess position as image? Any ideas?

"Using snipping tool doesnt allow me to make a perfect screen."

You should define what do you me by "perfect screen" otherwise we are just in the dark about what do you really need. Just for shooting from the dark: use greenshot, which is an excellent screen capturing tool

You are the best! That is exactly what I needed! You seem to be the only one who understood the question plus having an adequate solution! Thank you very much! <3

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sometimes I wonder if people even read the question before answering. Are you trolling? Or why are you explaining snipping tool again to me? lol
@SucheSchachfreund I wasn't trolling. I overlooked the snipping tool in your question when I read the question. As a consequence of that I thought snipping tool was perfect for you because you can choose the part of the screen you want a screenshot of.
Sorry if it seemed otherwise.
I'm also sorry, I hadn't read you were asking about lichess in the question, but I might had supposed that.

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