
1st Classical Chess Championship, multi-stage Challenge.

@ARMANDAS_130 Will be rated from his rapid elo -100 to be more on par with his classical level, He only has one rated classical game and is busy today hence this adjustment. as a 1700+ FIDE I think 1909 is more reasonable by quite a bit than 1745 for him.
I commit to playing in the swiss and if I qualify (ha! yeah, right), the knockout of this event
Blinggamer is kicked out for sexist comments in forums. Makes folks uncomfortable for good reason he's gone.
@coolchesscat1 vs @Dude128 (MEEEEEE)

Tomorrow (Saturday) at 5:30 PM EST

times don't have to be mentioned in a forum but it is very helpful for me if you do. Otherwise, I will need the game sent to me. I like to watch them live! So I'd like them posted in the forum if possible.

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