
Game completion rate?

Up until very recently, I was at 100% if I remember correctly.
Today, I joined a game, and canceled it before the game started. So I received the message that tells you not to cancel too many games because you will get penalized. I decided to look at my Game completion rate just to be sure it wasnt impacted, and now I am at 93% (which is insane based on how many games i played, 1 game shouldnt take away 7%). What are the factors on what counts against this % ?

Edit. I have cancelled a lot of games before they started over the last few months. Is this counting against me? When my brother and I play games, we often cancel when I am the white pieces, so he can be the white pieces each game.. didnt think this was hurting my %
@custommods said in #1:
> Up until very recently, I was at 100% if I remember correctly.
> Today, I joined a game, and canceled it before the game started. So I received the message that tells you not to cancel too many games because you will get penalized. I decided to look at my Game completion rate just to be sure it wasnt impacted, and now I am at 93% (which is insane based on how many games i played, 1 game shouldnt take away 7%). What are the factors on what counts against this % ?
> Edit. I have cancelled a lot of games before they started over the last few months. Is this counting against me? When my brother and I play games, we often cancel when I am the white pieces, so he can be the white pieces each game.. didnt think this was hurting my %

I am pretty sure, yes. The aborted games are being counted.

And you probably know that you can create a match, choosing the right colours. If you want play white, create a game so you play white. With this you do not need to abort any games.
<Comment deleted by user>
It's because you're rated over a recent period, not all-time. After a while with no abandoning of games, you go back to 100% completion.

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