
Seperate beserk ratings - idea from Atrophied case

Hi all

(sorry for typo Beserk -> should be Berserk)

I wondered about the Atrophied case, and the potential for losing a lot of rating points when trying to beserk a lot. This has happened to me in the past especially if I have overestimated by Internet connection.

Maybe it is an idea to mirror the current ratings to have Beserk variations so for example

Bullet rating and a seperate Beserk Bullet rating
Blitz rating and a Beserk Bilitz rating
Classical rating and a Beserk classical rating

The Beserk ratings are really basically handicap offering ratings to the opponents - giving time odds.

I know in classical even if my Internet is really bad, I can often win anyway when beserking at odds of 5 to 10

But really the bullet in particular could have massive fluctuations when beserking if I overestimate my Internet connection

But also some streamers get challenges and maybe they beserk more etc

So perhaps this insulation of ratings a bit more can mean we can beserk a bit more freely ?!

Any beserking games could count for one's beserk rating. Non beserk games for the normal rating of that time control.

Feedback welcome

Addendum thought (to avoid mass inflation with this suggestion) :

Say player X is playing a GM (player Y) who is usually 2800 at bullet, but has beserked. The Gm (player Y) has a 2500 Beserk bullet rating and a 2800 Normal bullet rating.

If player X wins that berserk game, then perhaps to avoid inflation, their rating should be adjusted as though they played a 2500 player - not a 2800 player.
I also think like this and Berserking would be good with separate ratings.

( @Kingscrusher-YouTube I wonder why did you write all Berserk words as Beserk. I checked it now and it's written as Berserk .
No offense intended. )
I like this idea. I often want to berserk, but in the same time I don't want to lose rating points, so I choose to not do. But, I guess, berserking is meant to only influence the chances of getting more or less points in the tournament, not to influence our rating points. And the current rating, if we berserk a lot, doesn't fairly reflect our playing ability.
Also it is a disadvantage now to berserk against those, who do it constantly, because of their deflated rating.
So this feature will allow for berserk to be limited only by decision to risk/not to risk tournament points and not the fear of losing rating, which is more valuable for most than tournament points.
But then what is the downside to berserking? I thought the idea is that you are putting your rating on the line for the chance at more points. If your rating doesn't matter then everyone will just berserk.
Berserking may have been a cute and fun option at the beginning, but now, as you can see; it has created many unintended consequences.

I never saw the logic in reducing your time by 50% just for one extra tournament point. The mechanic has inherent flaws...
#4 well the main downside (for me personally) in say a bullet tournament to me is not the rating - it is about losing a tournament streak (if I lose) - and having to rebuild it from scratch - I personally like to try and win tournaments a lot, and don't care about rating fluctuations in the process, as especially with bullet ratings it is easy to get points back anyway in a short time.

I personally don't care that much about the rating but having a distorted bullet rating from berserking is damaging the integrity of the bullet ratings for others for when I don't berserk - and say lost a load of points trying to win tournaments by berserking.
game ofer LM Lance 5500 ! HA-HA MI NAME IS PETER ) U YUR
Berserk is a sort of sandbagging but this cure seems worse than the illness. It is like giving everybody two accounts with separate ratings. E.g. I berserk all black games and no white games. My non berserk rating gets inflated, my berserk rating gets sandbagged. E.g. I berserk all games against lower rated opponents and none against higher rated opponents. Same effect as I never lose rating from losses or draws against lower rated opponents.
The measure would make berserk more popular, though it distorts tournament results as well as ratings.
Also a lot of practical issues. Say I have 1900 berserk rating and 2100 non-berserk. Can I play in U2000? Do I than have to berserk all my games? If yes and no, then there is an easy way to manipulate the berserk rating and then win all U2000 tournaments without even the trouble to sandbag.
Berserking is of course perfectly fine and won't get you marked. To get marked as a sandbagger you would have to intentionally lose games to lower your rating.

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