Lichess Game


When You Won Against IM in 18 Moves

Well I didn't expect him to play like that : but that's the point that's what we need to learn :)

I won against an IM from 18 moves (in a lichess tournament)

Game review is below, but first, some golden tips:

So in a tournament, most people's goal is to get more points. It doesn't matter, even all kinds of ratings players' goal is that. Then to achieve that goal, most people berserk. This is the point that we need to be careful about. Playing a normal game and tournament game style is a bit different. Also, berserk, I personally think an opponent who is lower than 200 - 300 points or more from your rating is the best to berserk, especially when we have fire in the tournament It's always better to play without berserking for anyone you get to play at that time.

Berserk strategy (how I think): So if it's a blitz tournament and you get a 200 to 300 points lower-rated opponent than you, berserk! Now you only have 1.30 seconds! There are two strategies that I use: one is to trade pieces, not all but some! Like queen maybe a rook, but it depends. For that, you should get your insights from the puzzle dashboard and insights from your profile.

For example links for mine are :

  1. oceanworld8's chess insights •
  2. Puzzle Dashboard • (this link might not work for you, you can go to puzzel dashborard and find yours :) )

So with those insights, you need to know what pieces I play better overall and trade other pieces that you play badly. So the endgame has more time when you trade pieces. But it's necessary to practice the endgame deeply if you are berserking. Most people trade, and mostly, you are going to end up in the endgame if they do not make mistakes at the start.

So the second one is catch the opponent at the start. Like play some uncommon moves, wild moves (but not bad moves), try to play aggressively. Use things like taking a pawn because a mistake I noticed from people is they sometimes ignore pawns. So we can easily take and get some advantage even though the value is smaller; it really helps because for endgames without other pieces, pawns are heroes.
so i know you are waiting, this is the game :

The game

As you see, anyone can make mistakes. So these are the points/tips I know in tournament playing. So if you have thoughts or comments, feel free to leave them in comments. I'll be really happy :) And there is one more point to take from this game: do not play fast like carelessly even if you berserk. Just move fast but not like crazy because mistakes are there.