
The Bishop Pair Chess Club

3 members

Hello all,

I started my own chess club for the improving chess player.  Originally the idea was a means to organize and collate all of my studying/training materials.  As you may or may not know, I am an extremely active member on these boards.  I study chess theory, tactics, endgames, etc pretty much on a daily basis. I do have a profound fascination of the endgame as one of my favorite players of all time advocates as much; Jose Raul Capablanca.  As a result, it was deeply embedded in my study habits to consistently work on my endgames and tactics.  I am a very active OTB tournament player in addition to playing tons of tournaments online.

In my club, I plan to post tons of game analysis, other chess content, puzzles, articles, etc utilizing my library of almost 2000 books to share with the community.  I have no problem working with others as I honestly just love the game of chess. There is an emphasis in this club about studying, improving your overall play, keeping it classy and promoting an environment to stimulate as much growth as possible.

I am on a journey to chess mastery and would be honored if you would accept my invite to be a part of my club.  Hope to see you there!

"These individuals can draw earth, wind and fire from seemingly devoid resources like an alchemist forging gold from steel.

Once unleashed, there is almost nothing stopping the bishop pair...this is akin to the curious humanoid infrastructure trying to find its place in the world. Reach as high as possible, dream as deeply as you can and believe in yourself for the keys to the shackles that bind you are located in your own pocket. You alone have the power to set yourself free."

  • Eddie

The Bishop Pair Chess Team