
Search "user:zwenna"

23 forum posts
Game analysis - Beating the Sicilian#3

Thanks for replying, and double thanks for letting the engine turned off. What you said makes a lot of sense, and certainly White has good compensation for the piece - but not enough to claim a big ad…

General Chess Discussion - Am I dreaming or what??#2

I watched the video about 90 seconds into it, and was just as clueless as the commentators and Magnus. After looking at the position for a few extra minutes, I think I found the winning idea, but have…

Game analysis - Another puzzle I don't understand#2

Answering your second question: winning the endgame with two extra pawns should be straightforward, Black needs to slowly advance the king and the pawns on the kingside. There are two things to watch …

Game analysis - Beating the Sicilian#1

An interesting moment from the Yearly Classical Arena that took place less than 24 hours ago. My opponent played a somewhat dubious line and dangerously fell behind in development. At move 13 I knew I…

Lichess Feedback - Other accounts can't see puzzle ratings over 2700 or more#60

@helloworld_1064 said in #56: > @Cedur216 , Wrong, on too there are player's rating and puzzle rating. Also, the highest puzzle I have ever solved is 3390, so it makes sense to have such hig…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle #zzSEZ, are there 2 solutions?#5

The idea Ne2+ and Qa1 to exploit White's weak back rank is cute and tempting but does not work, therefore the puzzle has a high rating of over 2500. Next time you think there is an alternate solution,…

Lichess Feedback - Why does the engine only look for mistakes and not for good moves?#8

This thread remains me of how Robert Hübner, a former world class player and the most extensive annotator of all times, viewed good moves. In the introductory remarks to his book "Twenty-five Annotate…

Lichess Feedback - Other accounts can't see puzzle ratings over 2700 or more#34

@helloworld_1064 said in #26: > Seriously, I also have a rating of 2700-2800 on by fair means. Yep, that is consistent with the 2200-2300 you had on Lichess before your meteoric rise. On che…

Community Blog Discussions - Beneath The Surface - Effective Practical Play#4

Doubling rooks with Re6 or Re2 followed by premoving Rae1 is probably what most players would do here, this also stops Black from contesting the e-file. The question is what to do next, though. There …

Lichess Feedback - Other accounts can't see puzzle ratings over 2700 or more#13

@helloworld_1064 said in #7: > I did many puzzles on Hardest level and got many correctly, so I got so high rating Reality check: in the following video you can see Jan Gustafsson, a 2600 GM, solve di…
