
Search "user:oerpli"

8 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Feedback Puzzles v2#29

That's precisely the reason why I think that it doesn't matter that a few people will cheat to get a high score.

Lichess Feedback - Feedback Puzzles v2#27

How does the fact that it's not timed result in cheating? And who would be (negatively) affected by that? If a few weirdos don't have anything better to do than submit solutions to solved puzzles - le…

Lichess Feedback - Feedback Puzzles v2#25

Would it be possible to "enable" the rating distribution graph for puzzle as well? - I assume that it should be pretty straightforward as I assume the puzzle rating is stored +/- in the same manner - …

Lichess Feedback - Patron, payment and other stuff.#10

I am fine with the patron status and everything but I would like to have my star back in the profile. I enjoyed it immensely everytime I gazed at it.

Lichess Feedback - Site unavailable often#1

In the last time I often encounter problems with the site when playing games. There appears a disconnect message even though the internet is working fine for everything else and I lose the game due to…

Lichess Feedback - Racing kings rating plot white#1

The color should maybe changed to black for the white theme - it's not visible currently.

Lichess Feedback - Complaint: My tournament opponents are much more highly-rated than I am#8

you're paired against ppl with similar points as you have. if you played way more games you could be paired against better performing opponents. from my personal experience in this tournament: i usual…

Lichess Feedback - Analysis board not working#2

I have the same problem at the moment.
