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39 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - A little puzzle game V3 (final)#3

I can guarantee there is only one solution tho. There is only one configuration with the most possible amount of points legally possible between black and white if we say black is the richer.

General Chess Discussion - A little puzzle game V3 (final)#1

Try to make a legal position where white just ckeckmate black with the most possible legal amount of points between black and white (black being the 'richer') with 4 rules: -no king can be near a bord…

General Chess Discussion - A little puzzle game V2#5

I just found a nice way of narrowing it down to a single solution only. By adding the extra rule 4- all different black pieces must be close one next to each other (both knights, bishop, rooks, all qu…

General Chess Discussion - A little puzzle game V2#4

The symetry thing can be rid of by changing the rule 1 to "no king can be near a border", making 50 possible solutions ... I'm surprised this little problem didn't interest anyone. This is fun!

General Chess Discussion - A little puzzle game V2#3

I'm now pretty sure that there is only one set of solutions and its symetry where the 2 knights, one of the bishop, one rook, both kings, the white pawn and blank spaces are in a mandatory place. Take…

General Chess Discussion - A little puzzle game#10

I'm sorry but if some admin could please delete this thread or edit the first post with the proper rules that would be nice.

General Chess Discussion - A little puzzle game V2#1

Try to make a legal position where white just ckeckmate black with the most possible legal amount of points between black and white (black being the 'richer') with 3 rules: -the black king can't be ne…

General Chess Discussion - A little puzzle game#9

@MrPushwood said in #6: > Is this actually difficult? Since it's doable it's not extremely hard but it's not easy either IMO. At the very least it's fun. So after more reflexion about this little puzz…

General Chess Discussion - A little puzzle game#8

Sorry I should have also mentionned that the white pieces should not be outside that limit also.

General Chess Discussion - A little puzzle game#3

I managed to find one changing the rule -the black king can't be in a corner with -the black king can't be near a border It was really hard and I'm not sure they are lots of solutions.
