
Search "user:Treppenhouse"

14 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Titled Arena Announcement(s)#9

Is the price money funded via the donations of the lichess users?

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General Chess Discussion - Lucena Endgame Study#3

I have a question about: Lucena: Rook Pawns I It says that this position is won for white but how exactly is it winning if black moves towards the pawn with the king instead away from it? In this case…

Lichess Feedback - Automatically changes the language to my locale#1

Hello guys, I totally love this website, but there is one thing that keeps bugging me which I wanted to report: I prefer the english version of lichess, even though I live in Germany. Which is why I w…

Lichess Feedback - Mouse scroll on replays not working#4

I am glad someone else has the same issue. It's really bugging me a lot!

Lichess Feedback - [Suggestion] "Continue from here" for the puzzles#1

Hello! When doing puzzles one often is confused why this particular move is not the best, not accepted or why the computer choose that particular defensive line. To understand some tactics it would be…

Lichess Feedback - Download all games#4

Thanks a lot! I guess I never saw the the export button, but yeah with a little script it shouldn't be too difficult. Cool!

Lichess Feedback - Download all games#1

Hello, for analysis purposes I would like to download all the games I played (maybe in a big textfile containing all the .pgn snippets or a .zip file with one .pgn file per game). Since you have them …

General Chess Discussion - Draw by insufficient material?#2

Because if you play very stupid, you can use your own pawns and bishop to trap your king and get mated just by the bishop.

Game analysis - Turnier falsch bewehrtet!#4

Nope zurzeit gibt es nur diese Variante. Kannst ja ein Feature Request stellen, dann wird das bestimmt irgendwann mal implementiert.
