
Search "user:Tae7"

1782 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - What does Tpr mean?#3

#1 It “means” forum legend. Period.

Off-Topic Discussion - chatban#55

#54 Thanks for making me laugh. Sure, I’m a hypocrite but so is everyone else.

Off-Topic Discussion - chatban#48

#44 Using swear words is not against the TOS as long as you don’t directly curse at someone. It is a fact.

Off-Topic Discussion - chatban#33

@passionate_player For the nth time, I’m not chat banned! I’m taking a break from posting in forums because it’s time consuming and there aren’t many threads that interest me these days. Pinging me ju…

Off-Topic Discussion - Stalking in lichess#10

@Happygurl28 “Stalked”, as in you’ve been getting a lot of spam messages from random users lately, or someone has been sending you things from different accounts that make you feel uncomfortable? If i…

Off-Topic Discussion - help#5

@kReAtIfBrAiN07 Does the line “(username) doesn’t accept messages” appear when you click on the inbox icon on their profile? If so, that indicates they only accept messages from people they follow. If…

Off-Topic Discussion - Questions#3

#1 Tpr and ultramuddish have been chatbanned >Why are forums so empty nowadays? Lockdown has been lifted in a lot of countries.People are out and about more rather than sitting in front their PC all d…

Off-Topic Discussion - I pranked someone. #42

@zwischenzugx11 Your post was harsh, way too harsh. What has the OP done to you? Would it kill you to get your point across without name-calling? Don’t you think simply pointing out to thehappygurl th…

Off-Topic Discussion - What do you think is the best way of treating narcissism?#12

#8 Thanks for your response, but that was just a rhetorical question. I wasn’t sure whether you were serious about asking how to communicate with people displaying narcissistic traits. “How to deal an…

Off-Topic Discussion - What do you think is the best way of treating narcissism?#4

#1 Why would you want to communicate with a narcissist? Narcissism reeks! Whenever I come across a narcissist, I knock them out with a bat and write LOSER on their forehead. I suggest you start doing …
