
Search "user:RX-78-2MG"

5 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Server issues#16

lastly people cuss and say inappropriate things but nothing is done

General Chess Discussion - Server issues#15

also if bots add stockfish to their arsenal they can start reaking havoc on the lichess Chess capcha forums

General Chess Discussion - Server issues#14

@youbeatmelol said in #4: > do we get rating refund for games we disconnected from? @Santiagodm said in #5: > nope well there might be a thing such as simultaneous disconnection LOL

General Chess Discussion - Server issues#13

@soccerfreak1213 said in #7: > They will be punished to the highest extent of the law that is lifetime jail there should also be cyber jail, where they trace the hacking code to the hacking computer a…

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