
Search "user:Chesswinnerhopefully"

29 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Science of Chess (kinda?): Viih_Sou's 2. Ra3?? and a modest research proposal#5

Great article, as always! However, I think there’s too vast a difference in chess understanding between us and top-level GMs, and I’m therefore not sure if such an experiment would yield anything rele…

Community Blog Discussions - 16 Best Chess YouTube Channels#22

Daniel Naroditsky has the best chess YouTube channel, I think.

General Chess Discussion - Copying A PGN From A Study without Downloading#1

I played an OTB game and recorded it in a lichess study. I‘m trying to copy the pgn, without downloading it. I know I‘ve done it in the past, just don‘t remember how. Please advise! Thanks.

General Chess Discussion - there are still men who play 1. E4?#4

@herdeirodastre said in #3: > (answer encrypted) > > is it true that fide bans those who use 1.e4? Dare you try and find out?

General Chess Discussion - My Best Reason For losing#8

Hans Niemann was my opponent ;)

General Chess Discussion - there are still men who play 1. E4?#2

I can't confirm or deny anything, without the express permission of FIDE or lichess.

General Chess Discussion - Announcing the Lichess World Championship#121

Thanks for the laugh!

General Chess Discussion - Best Wins (Rapid)#1

Hey everyone! Share your best win in Rapid (rated) here! Mine: against a 2294. PS: I‘d like to see how big the gap between people‘s rating and their best win is. Thanks! P…

General Chess Discussion - Fix the pairing in auto pairing pools#13

I only play people higher rated than myself. It helps me improve.

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Planets for Country/State.#8

@Rahsulaimon said in #6: > dibs on HD 100546b > (u know ,the largest exoplanet) That we have found thus far
