
Search "user:Daveyboyz"

66 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Profile game list idea#3

It sounds a good idea KC. I think since lichess logs everygame the interface could do much more than it does now. A list of tournements and being able to view the games played in any particular tourne…

General Chess Discussion - Always remember to create a flight square#3

Yeah, I shouldn't rush, but then again in quick games perhaps I should rush ^^ I guess there is only so many times that one can make the same mistake before learning.

Off-Topic Discussion - 'Boobs Not Bombs'#17

Trivia of the day: It is commonly thought that like other mammals the human breast used to swell merely after child birth, but since the arrival of walking on two legs it wasn't so easy to get a good …

Off-Topic Discussion - I'm so proud of myself!#4

I am glad to see the addition of the word "little" in the above sentence. So many people say "Hard work never killed anyone" which is a blatant innacuracy; in responce I would site such examples as Si…

General Chess Discussion - Always remember to create a flight square#1 About 4-5 moves earlier I remember thinking "I should do something about that back rank... " This is how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.... Second time in…

Off-Topic Discussion - Are you pro-life or pro-choice?#85

You have made no arguments... merely assertions that a featus is not tissue but human... that it equates to murder. Clearly not everybody believes this to be the case.

General Chess Discussion - Which is your favorite opening ?#33

Thanks, I have studied that line from the famous game. I understand as a response to the Fried Liver you ignore the threat and take with the Bishop calling check against white. From here there are man…

Lichess Feedback - Should the Marathon Blitz event ideally be 3 minute chess instead of 5 minute?!#6

I liked the event as it was, the only niggle was losing about 5 games due to not moving (the window didn't pop up and took time to open through the link) though being charitable we will say this was d…

General Chess Discussion - Italian and Spanish part..#17

That is a cool and unusual game ^^

General Chess Discussion - My first "perfect game"#5 This one says "one innacuracy" but I disagree, I wasn't after a pawn I was after the big fish ^^ To beat a player of much higher ranking and so quickly was satisfying…
