
Search "user:celphi"

19 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - did anybody beat Stockfish at level 7 i can only draw?#2

Your rating should be a lot higher than 1400s if you can draw a 2200+ cpu.

Game analysis - 2480 v. 2029#1

I made some minor mistakes and they cost me big in this game. It just goes to show how well a strong player can make attacks look so simple.

Game analysis - How to continue the attack.#3

Several mistakes in this game. On move 24 you played Bd6+ when Bd8# was checkmate.

General Chess Discussion - Playing as the Sicilian - Response to E5 Pawn Push?#3

Can you be more specific on which line of sicilian? Is this what you're referring to? 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. e5 This defense is refered as the Nimzowitsch Variation and it usually transposes to the Al…

Game analysis - Why not take the pawn?#7

Keep in mind that this is a bullet game. (1 minute). Material like a pawn is hardly compensation for counterplay against your king. It is better to use black's own pawns (in this game) as a shield aro…

Game analysis - 2019 v. 2163 (instructional draw game)#1 Draw game, however I had a chance to win the game on move 44. I assumed he would queen faster if I RxR so I didn't even bother calculating the line. Lessoned learned f…

Game analysis - Awesome Sicilian Variation - I think the play is very accurate. Comments or critique appreciated! (With Live Commentary)#6

I've decided to go over your game. 1. e4 c5 {sicilian defense} 2. c3 { alapin variation } anti-sicilian it is important to know that some players do not like to study all the different lines of the si…

Game analysis - Classical game (20 mins)#1

I figured I'd start posting my games from here on out. I hope to receive pointers as well as guidance for players below my rating. Hopefully it will help by me s…

Game analysis - Blitz game#1

I thought I'd share a blitz game I played. I plan on posting more of my games in the future. I prefer slower games.
