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86 forum posts
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General Chess Discussion - International adult chess class this Sat. using and zoom#2

I'm not involved in this but as someone who has known him for a while I can absolutely vouch for Eltenedor as a great guy and analyst/teacher of the game. Sounds like a nice idea and hopefully it work…

NM ChessDoofus
General Chess Discussion - Statistics of lichess ratings (voluntary participation)#12

It's not totally inconceivable that 1300 FIDE could be near 2000 here, esp for a player in the states or Canada or India or other countries where the FIDEs are super deflated (compared to Europe) and …

NM ChessDoofus
General Chess Discussion - Statistics of lichess ratings (voluntary participation)#9

2171 US (14636284) 1906 FIDE and on the other bad site I’m dpnorman

NM ChessDoofus
General Chess Discussion - Ch*

^ exactly lol. You can't make a topic like this on ch*ss.bad, try as you might.

NM ChessDoofus
General Chess Discussion - Ch*


NM ChessDoofus
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General Chess Discussion - I don't know why I am a loser in chess#15

@Developmentals Uh yeah they make you sign a form. Kapp

NM ChessDoofus
Game analysis - Why is this (almost) equal?#11

It's not quite a berlin lol but I think if white does something to mess around from the starting position they may keep equality. It's black who has to be more precise. Idk have you ever looked at the…

NM ChessDoofus
General Chess Discussion - I don't know why I am a loser in chess#13

Ch*ss improvement, especially past your first plateau, can take a lot of hard work and dedication. You have to decide how much you love the game and how much you want it. Because what you don't want i…

NM ChessDoofus