
The introduction of swiss and round robin for tournaments on lichess

I'm not sure if it's still possible, but couple of years back in some marathon arena I just resigned games against much higher rated players before making first move, because the outcome was pretty much known and it was just waste of time for me. Why waste my time in a game where it's 99 % sure that i will lose. Just give me another opponent.
The difficult thing on either lichess or chess-com is that you *first* generate a tournament with all specifications and *then* you wait for registrations. In a typical club setting it would be the other way round: You look *first* at how many players there are and how much time you have available, and *then* you look for an appropriate tournament form. ("OK, let's play two parallel groups in round robin and then a knock-out match between the group winners.")

Unfortunately, this is much more cumbersome to organise online (except if everyone is very experienced with online communication options).
Agree with #109 - I have recently moved our chess club online as have many others - we have around 25 members - many of them new to your platform. The tradition we come from for quickplay tournaments is swiss and round robin style.

Arena has its place as a format and its limitations. My club members started asking for this Swiss option. I quickly came to the conclusion it wasn't supported on LiChess and there seems to be a lot of kickback in some quarters against doing this.

Having looked around I found an option for doing this on another site - and we ran a quickplay swiss tournament there - and it worked fine.

Bottom line - there are a lot of chess clubs with experienced chess players (that will be a valuable part of your community) coming online - if we can't access this type of facility here we will go elsewhere.

It may well be quite a while before OTB chess clubs meet again - we are redefining the reality of the 21st Century chess club right here right now - so why not be a part of it and lead and innovate in the area of club chess.

I love the site, the ethos, the user experience here but you need to stop sticking your head in the sand here :-)

If you don't provide it and someone else does then you will ultimately lose site traffic as players possibly become sucked into other platforms that do.
#123 But why do not you organise your tournament as if it were over the board, same effort, same practice and then play it out on lichess instead of on physical boards with physical clocks and physical score sheets?
If you know how to do it over the board then you can surely do it on lichess the same way?
Instead of orally announce pairings or posting a pairings list, you can mail the pairings to the players.
#124 you are missing the point.

Yes I can do it manually but it takes time, effort and co-ordination - computers are actually really good at this sort of thing.

I actually downloaded some software for this but there was little interest in my club members in doing it this way - it would also mean I probably spend the club evening doing pairings rather than playing to provide an optimum experience for the club (but not for me!).

When you are dealing with an existing club - you will often find many members are from the older part of the age demographic and not all of them are particulary comfortable with IT / email etc - so the user experience needs to be as simple as possible for club members to make this work.

Other sites can do it - why not LiChess?

Is there a product roadmap for LiChess somewhere? I suggest someone does some cost / benefit analysis on this and weighs it up against whatever else is in the roadmap - and the related cost/benefit. That's how it's done in the commercial world - it's a sensible way to balance limited resources against new features to determine the most viable, productive and successful way forward for the LiChess platform. There is open source code out there for pairings so I guess most of the work is around developing the user experience.

If at the end of that process you tell me it can't be done because of x,y,z features instead but is slated for 2021 then I would have more sympathy for the position but right now it feels like it's not even seriously being considered.

# 114

Good question. Here are three scenarios:

a) We'll watch a fully focused former World Champion with a pairing table besides him: "Ok, next round. It's Nepo with white. Ah, no Sascha! I have to challenge him, right? Ok, here we go..."

b) We'll watch an arbiter using the chat to tell 8 elite players who is challenging whom in the next round.

c) Lichess developers will create the most elegant round-robin room ever seen. It will bring up the correct match-ups for each round automatically AND will allow viewers to watch all four boards simultaneously.

Pick which one is most likely to happen ;-)
I'm glad I started this thread now, seeing how many members are really interested in the topic and I have never seen such amazing engagement in a forum 😀, but I don't really understand why the developers and some users like @tpr don't want this to be implemented or defending arenas. We don't want arenas to be deleted or something like that, all we are asking for is coexistence of all types of tournaments. Hope the developers will consider this idea soon in the nearby future.

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