
Is there a way to prevent an user from watching our TV ?

@Le_Patzer83 said in #19:
> Lol!! First, I’m not your bro. Second, I read your amusing posts and you’re ready to block people for watching your games. All I’m saying is stop caring so much what other people do. Nobody should be so insecure as to be triggered to the point of blocking someone because a random person decided to spectate. If you are just trying to be funny, you’re succeeding. If not, well I feel sorry for you if that’s the case. Best of luck either way. And thanks for dodging my question about Mr Pushwood. You claim he is hated, as if it’s some sort of fact, but can’t name a single hater. It’s funny how ridiculous claims have a tendency of crumbling to dust when someone asks for some form of evidence. Keep going though, because this is seriously as entertaining as that guy who claimed to be a Racing Kings prodigy.
> Userfriendly2, can you pass me the popcorn? Ha ha ha!

Tu te fous clairement de ma gueule.
Ce que je pointe, c'est ton ostensibilité à me faire passer pour ce que je ne suis pas, tel le déchet psychologiste que tu es.
Il est plus détesté "que je ne le suis".

Read correctly !!!
"he's more hated than i am'. This sentence doesn't involve any numeral value. Tu es un de ces cerveaux typiquement incapable de maintenir un raisonnement logique sur plusieurs "degrés".
At this point im not answering you, even for the pleasure of roasting brainlets like you.
And i had to switch to french for better accuracy of expression. Whataver the langage is, i don't expect any right comprehension of you. Popcorn, pushwood, gothamchess, "lololimsuchaptzer", "adultimprover"..
But your fking brainlet is frozen! Stop there for the love of God ! how can you inspire so much hatred ?
@eidospiel said in #7:
> Here it is, the active forum poster, diligent and beloved, secretly hoping to be mod one day. :horsey:
> Next time you could try to answer questions or just stay quiet if you don't have correct answers.
I forgot that dream long ago tbh
@Le_Patzer83 said in #22:
> My “brainlet is frozen!” I love it! Ha ha ha!

Btw sorry ive been too mean this night. Time to sleep for me
@eidospiel said in #26:
> Btw sorry ive been too mean this night. Time to sleep for me

LOL! It's all good man. I was just playing anyway. No harm done. Have a good night and thanks for the entertainment.
@MohammedElasha said in #28:
> am spectating this thread.......

No spectating the thread!! Everyone go away!! ;) (and take your frozen brainlets with you). LOL!
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