
Puzzle 9876

After Qc2+ Ka3 Be7+ Qb4 ...
why is Bxb4 not a valid solution to the puzzle, if after Kxb4 Qa4 is still mate. Seems weird to me that a mating solution would be invalid...
well but mate in 1 is clearly preferable to mate in 2. that's a logic i understand well though sometimes i fell for the same mistake - there are more examples for that.
Maybe i prefer being up more material when i mate. As long as it's a forced mate sequence, it should count imo.
well i know chess is a game too. you're not forced to play the best moves. you have the right to enjoy yourself! but that applies only to the games you play not to the puzzles here.
when you don't like that you could argue you prefered puzzles with unique solutions only - e.g. either mate or being mated. but those are hard to find. most puzzles here are from the other end of the scale. there you could often say i pass and still have a winning position...
I agree with you FraGer68 but some puzzle give "You can do better" tip. Move like this shouldn't count as fail and should have this kind of message.
I think it is incorrect because you are adding an irrelevant move to the original checkmate, not a *truly* different mating sequence, IE: you are not doing the checkmate in a DIFFERENT way.

I think that is the difference between "Good move but you could do better" and the that red box that everyone dislikes to see :)
What about puzzle like this one ?

You have a "You can do better" message if you move Qc1+ instead of Qh6+ which is mat in 3 instead of mat in 2.

Puzzle lack of consistency I think.

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