
Kick out of the team function changed?

Hi guys, Have the "kick someone out of the team function" changed? It is a great tool to trim teams from time to time.

The team I am talking about is:

We have simuls and people apply to the team in order to join the simul and then when it is over, we kick them out, which makes it very easy to manage.

Thanks, Jacob
Hi Jacob! I'm a team leader. Yes, this function has changed. Now kicking out a member is possible only one by one.
Best wishes, Robert
The function now is worse on two accounts.

1) You have to have two tabs open and cannot click on people's names. I can see arguments in the other direction, but still think it is worse.

2) It does not work.
i feel this happened so that some leaders remove members to stop them doing that i guess .

but GM sir u can just make another team keeping it private and that team for simuls or you can make public simuls no teams involved then u don't need to kick .
Yes, we can constantly make new teams. Every time we have a simul. But reality is that this makes the whole function unsuitable for use. And what's good about that? Then we have 1000 teams and have to delete them constantly.

I cannot see this is in anyone's interest.
@JacobAagaard said in #6:
> Yes, we can constantly make new teams. Every time we have a simul. But reality is that this makes the whole function unsuitable for use. And what's good about that? Then we have 1000 teams and have to delete them constantly.
> I cannot see this is in anyone's interest.
then u can make public simuls no teams involved anyone can join then .
@JacobAagaard said:
> Have the "kick someone out of the team function" changed?
> The function now is worse on two accounts.
> 1) You have to have two tabs open and cannot click on people's names. I can see arguments in the other direction, but still think it is worse.
> 2) It does not work.

I don't really understand what you want to say with all this. What exactly are the issues you are having with the function? The only thing I gathered so far is that you noticed "something" changed and "something" doesn't work anymore?

Unlike what somebody claimed above, you can definitely still remove multiple people at once. Although it looks like you can't copy-paste in multiple people. Is that the problem you're having?

Either way, if you have somebody with some technical knowledge in your team you should have a look at the links TBest sent. They allow you to automate this whole stuff so that you don't have to manually find the right people to kick every time.
pls... The point is to make private simuls possible for the members of our club. I am not lacking a function to find participants, but to ensure that I get the right participants. And it used to be there and was easy to use.

benwerner - The function on the team page under SETTINGS gives us the possibility to kick people out from the team. For a time, a list was given of the members, and you could remove them. It worked easily and well. The function is still there, but the list is gone and you have to post in the name. This is worse for no obvious reason. But so what. The so what is that the function does not work.

I am not very technical indeed and we will look at the links to sort this out. But there was a good function that just worked. And now there is a bad function, which on top does not work.

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