
Is this a good idea?

16. ... g6 was the problem. Something like qb6 looks fine. If the pawn gets to h6, only then g6; after the bishop sacs on g6, the black rook will go to g8 and together with the bishop cover all the squares. It looks scary as hell, but black is winning. 17. ...g5 would have been ok as well.
How do you manage to make a game go directly to the move you wanted to show?
Qb6 seems good but Nca4 is a very annoying line.
I would play Nc6: Simple chess, just attack the center pawn and save the hanging piece.

@Cpan50 :
> How do you manage to make a game go directly to the move you wanted to show?
In analysis board you put the move you want and the link changes after each move.

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