
Anyone else think this about the knights?

On on line chess the queens knight should be facing the king and not facing left or right lol depending on your colour to differentiate between the two knights , I know it a very silly nothing matter just thought it might be more aesthetically pleasing to see which knight is which during the game, both knights facing the king , just a random thought ,a first wor!d problem as they say xxx edit: symmetry
But the knights are equivalent so they shouldn't be differentiated anyway. There is no distinction in FEN, so what happens when you import a position?
Some also think the rotation of the knights is important in physical chess (I mean with discrete pieces (of wood for example) that you move by hand in live chess). I was surprised when I first heard of this. I never even thought about this. The rotation of the knight doesn't even register in my brain, it is as important as the rotation of any other piece. I guess it is because the function of the knight doesn't depend on the rotation.

Now, don't misunderstand me, If you think it is important or fun or whatever, it is perfectly fine by me.
Some people are quite sensitive about details like that; it doesn't have to be as bad as in "Rain Man" but majority of the population won't understand and finds it weird. Some people in our office feel distress when the cleaning lady moves their monitor a bit, others won't care or notice. (OK, yes, I'm member of the first group, I couldn't bear not having my two monitors aligned.)

It's the same with the OTB chess equipment. Before the game, I usually spend some time centering my pieces and aligning the knights (and bishops for Staunton style pieces) or aligning the clock against the middle of the board. But it's rather a pre-game ritual to calm down, it's not distracting me when we are already playing.

> There is no distinction in FEN, so what happens when you import a position?
That might be an interesting retrograde analysis puzzle. But I'm afraid most often the answer would be "it can be either way", unless there is some additional information. As Nepomniachi and Dubov have (almost) shown us, it's easy to reach the initial position with swapped knights.
In analysis it would be good to take a quick glance to see which knight was in the improved position?? Xxx edit: queens knight or kings knight?? No?? Edit 2 , I mean I'm not that good but surely there's an argument for it xxx
I think the knights should face the king ,to differentiate the two and I think it's a oversight by online chess that they don't xxx and that's my ten pence worth xxx love to all , happy chessing everyone xxx @SimonBirch
I mean (and sorry to go on) but queens knight and kings knight are very different creatures (until they meet up) xxx

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