
Good form in bullet but terrible form in blitz

This happens to me too. Rapid & Classical is when you actually take the time to think, and bullet is pure intuition, but blitz... it's this weird jumble in the middle. You really don't know when, and how long to think for.
@InstantNoodlePasta said in #5:
> This happens to me too. Rapid & Classical is when you actually take the time to think, and bullet is pure intuition, but blitz... it's this weird jumble in the middle. You really don't know when, and how long to think for.

Exactly. Bullet has a clear strategy of only working on instinct and taking 3 seconds max to think, and rapid gives plenty of time. However blitz has some time, but not quite enough to think as much as you might want to. Although I don't think being 2200 in blitz is bad by any means.
I like to get rating points fast, and don’t like to wait. That’s why I prefer blitz and bullet over rapid and classical. They are too slow and get you lots of rating points slow. I do blitz like bullet, just move quickly unless you’re in a difficult position. That’s when you spend some time thinking.
Bullet is wild. Once I promoted a pawn into queen in 5 moves in 2+0 game. In average, however, I take advantage of time and play better in rapid/classical. To play bullet well, you need to see a good move immediately.

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