
Would like to view mates I've missed

I think an interesting feature would be some way to see all the missed "mates in #" statistics from a profile. It would be really helpful for me to go back and see from my own games the "missed mate in (n)" moves, this way I'm learning from a "tactic" I created.

It's technically possible to do this now, but it would take forever. I don't know how hard it would be to program that, but being able to query those instances (from analyzed games only), would be great, and it wouldn't clutter the interface if you put it in the "tabs" section of a profile page, there's plenty of room next to "imported games."

Thank you, lichess team this is the best site
If the aim is to learn, you need not limit it to losses. I like this idea.
Ah okay. I think it would look cleaner if you accessed it trough the training page, as a different set of puzzles

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