
Chess jokes?

This guy is sitting in a park playing chess with his dog.

A passer-by sees what's happening, comes over and says "wow, what a clever dog!"

The guy says, "he's not THAT clever, he just blundered his queen!"
God: Let there be light!
Chuck Norris: Say 'please'!
Chess player: Shut up! I'm playing blindfold!
'Who do you think is better?'
'I think white is better.'
'Well, I think black is better. However, I bet Carlsen would win with either colour.'
"The situation is dire, Sir! The chariot men of the enemy have breached our walls, their clergy is diagonally closing in ... what shall we do, o noble King?"

"Castrate the foot-soldiers, immediately!"
In a park people come across a man playing chess against a dog. They are astonished and say:
"What a clever dog!"
But the man protests:
"No, no, he isn't that clever. I'm leading by three games to one!"

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