
Puzzles and cheaters

I agree with the other comments,

cheating on Tactics/Opening(which is harder) is only hurting themselves. These things and hopefully more Training options in the future are meant to help players. Tactics beyond 2300 is really diffacult but having said that, it could be that he really likes Tactical puzzles and spends a hell of a long time solving them. I am addictied to Opening Trainer since Openings have always been my favourite and never once did i cheat.

I'll share a short story, when I was in secondary school, I used to get perfect scores on all things Mathematical, so naturally some lazy students wanted copy my homework so that teacher wouldn't be mad with them. Well, when Exam Day came about, the students who chose to copy, logically did poorly and themselves felt sad. Thus needing to repeat the same class a second time.

I also think if you have a problem with a player then the best way is to question his or her abilities by challenging to a match or simply message and ask, if you are truly bothered. Publically shaming is never the way to go.

Message to admins: if at all possible, I think the link posted in # 1's post should be removed. Stricter rules must be established for those who choose to use public forums to throw shit at others within this community.

Freindly Greetings,
My one concern with this is that if they are cheating at tactics puzzles they are probably testing and fine tuning their cheating method to use elsewhere...But it does really seem like a waste of resources. I do agree though the tacics rating should be hidden as it has no bearing on any metric outside of personal advancement. It isn't even much an indicator for higher rated players that might be scouting for oppoonents, because the tactics ratings mostly only determine if you can identify and win a won position or not, and has little ability to judge if you can get to one.
Naming and Shaming is legally accepted practice. Just go to C.I.A. forum.
C---- In Action

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