
Guess the ELO of this game!

White played well in the early stages, missed 25.Nd4+ probably due to time trouble. Black got lucky. 25.Qxf2 was either a genuine blunder or a cheap trick some might consider unethical. Personally I think that it's acceptable but not going to win him any friends if he tries this in an OTB game.

Rating guess: White 2000 (Lichess) and Black 1350 (Lichess), though it is really impossible to estimate anybody's rating based on one single game.
@Sefegiru said in #3:
> White played well in the early stages, missed 25.Nd4+ probably due to time trouble. Black got lucky. 25.Qxf2 was either a genuine blunder or a cheap trick some might consider unethical. Personally I think that it's acceptable but not going to win him any friends if he tries this in an OTB game.
> Rating guess: White 2000 (Lichess) and Black 1350 (Lichess), though it is really impossible to estimate anybody's rating based on one single game.

How is Qxf2 a cheap trick, is it aiming for mate in 1 that I can't spot? I thought it was just giving up the queen for no reason...
@Koolia Qxf2 blunders the queen, but the position is hopeless anyway and there is still the slight chance that Black is going to miss the attack on his own queen.

See for instance the last game in the following article for an example of this cheapo technique:

Kind of like what people refer to as getting "le fonged" in online bullet chess where people try to exploit an expected premove by playing a move that would make no sense otherwise.
Can you please tell us if you don’t imma get annoyed but I’d say white 1600 lichens and black 1200 lichess
That’s coming from 2400 and CM so a lot of the time they think 1200’s are inexperienced
@GalwayGroot said in #9:
> That’s coming from 2400 and CM so a lot of the time they think 1200’s are inexperienced

Maybe because most of them are...? Of course, experience is relative. They might be pretty experienced compared to an 1000, but objectively saying they are not really good. And there are some 1200's that play better than others.

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